Prayer and liturgy

A Prayer – Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg

In the midst of this cruel war, we pray for an outcome for Israel and its neighbours which swiftly restores calm, ensures security, and leads to an enduring political solution resulting in justice and peace.

We pray for the end of Hamas and the defeat of all terror and terrorist organisations.

We pray for the release of all the hostages and their safe return home to their longing and desperate families.

We pray for a minimum of casualties among the soldiers of the IDF and among all civilians in Gaza and Israel caught up in the fighting.

We pray for everyone across Israel and the Jewish world giving shelter and support to the tens of thousands evacuated from their homes. We pray for everyone supporting those wounded, traumatised and grief-stricken by Hamas’ barbaric attack. We pray for everyone striving to bring healing.

We pray that the laws of war are honoured. We pray for the supreme values of mercy and compassion.

Our God is the God of all life. We pray for the safety of the many thousands of innocent Palestinian people whose plight is appalling, who desperately need food, water, medicines and safe escape routes from the fighting. We pray for everyone striving to bring them protection and humanitarian aid. We pray for a better future for them, for a life of freedom and dignity.

We pray for the remarkable people devoting themselves to saving lives, wherever they are. We pray for all who, despite the fear and hostility, recognise the image of God in every victim of this terrible conflict and who work for healing on all sides.

We pray for our society here in Britain. We pray that antisemitism, islamophobia and all forms of race and religious hatred are overcome, so that we can work together in solidarity for a safe and harmonious future for all.

Even as the fighting continues, we pray that a better way is urgently found than war with its unspeakable horrors, so that Israel and its Palestinian neighbours can live together in safety and peace, with life and hope for everyone.

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