Hopeful Future

We must do all we can to support the work of those at the heart of this conflict, Arabs and Jews, Israelis and Palestinians, who are working to ensure a safe future for both peoples.

We must challenge and draw attention to acts of extremism that threaten to set back even further the possibility of a peaceful resolution of this conflict, wherever they take place.

We must work to ensure that out of this current horror comes a commitment to a future in which Israelis and Palestinians can live in mutual peace and security


The New Israel Fund UK are partners in Our Jewish Values, highlighting their work supporting a safe shared future for Israelis and Palestinians, and amplifying the voices of Arabs and Jews working together through this crisis.

Globally, the New Israel Fund is the largest organisation working to empower minorities and marginalised people in Israel; defend human rights for Israelis and Palestinians; and advance partnership between Arabs and Jews. 

Almost all of the organisations linked below, and indeed on the other pages, are grantees of the New Israel Fund. 

We encourage you to find out more about the work of the New Israel Fund and its partners

Over the last month, there has been a growth in support for Standing Together, a grassroots movement of Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel mobilising in support of peace, justice and equality. Two members of their leadership, Alon-Lee Green and Sally Abed, have just returned from a tour of the US where they met with political leaders, spoke to journalists and visited campuses and communities, all with a message of hope and a focus on what must come next. Meanwhile, their team in Israel have been organising a series of Jewish-Arab Solidarity Rallies across the country, from Haifa to Jerusalem and beyond. 

There are plenty of other examples of work being done to build a hopeful future. Rabbis for Human Rights, for example, have co-organised a fundraiser with the Tel Aviv-based mutual aid organisation Culture of Solidarity, to help support all vulnerable people affected by the violence: ‘survivors and evacuees from the 7/10 massacre facing poverty, Bedouin communities in the Negev, Palestinians displaced due to settler violence, asylum seekers and migrant workers.’


Some of the organisations that have stepped up to show that there can be a positive path forward include, The Alliance Fellowship, Tzedek Centres, Sikkut-Aufoq and Givat Haviva. We remain inspired by the tireless work of our partners, friends and allies doing the hard work, day in and day out, of building a safe and peaceful future. Have You Seen the Horizon Lately along with Itach – Ma’aki (Women Lawyers for Social Justice), have also stepped up to bring together Jews and Arabs to provide essentials and trauma support to displaced people, as can be seen in the video below.


The following video is a news clip of Oasis of Peace/Wahat al-Salam/Neve Shalom, a joint Jewish, Muslim and Christian community, which is located between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. 


We have curated resources and links to organisations that help explore further the values within our statement, mainly through the work of organisations in Israel. Our Jewish Values do not necessarily agree with or endorse every word and every position in each resource or from each linked organisation.

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